Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Link Prediction: Beware of Semantics!
Published in DL4KG@ISWC 2022: Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs, held as part of ISWC 2022: the 21st International Semantic Web Conference, 2022
The task of predicting links in knowledge graphs (KGs) can be tackled using knowledge graph embedding models (KGEMs). Such models project entities and relations of a KG into a low-dimensional vector space that preserves as much as possible the properties of the graph. The performance of KGEMs for link prediction is traditionally assessed using rank-based metrics that evaluate the ability of models to give high scores to ground-truth entities. However, other scored entities are left unconsidered by these metrics. This constitutes a shortcoming in some application domains where it may be required to ensure consistency among the top-scored entities. To this aim, in this paper we propose to measure the ability of popular KGEMs to capture the semantic profile of relations. In particular, we use Sem@K, a semantic-oriented metric that assesses whether top-scored entities are semantically valid. Our experiments show that agnostic KGEMs are actually able to learn the semantic profile of relations. This raises the opportunity of using Sem@K as an additional training criterion.